- 招標人:tenderer
- 投標人:bidder
- 聯營體:joint venture
- 招標代理:bidding agency
- 采購公告:procurement notice
- 招標公告:notification of bidding
- 招標文件:bidding documents
- 招標號:bidding no.
- 投標邀請:invitation for bids
- 招標資料表:bidding data sheet
- 投標人須知: instruction to bidders
- 招標附錄:appendix to tender
- 投標保證金:bid security
- 履約保證金:performance security
- 投標書:bid
- 投標書的提交: submission of bid
- 開標:bid opening
- 評標:bid evaluation
- 授予合同:award of contract
- 中標通知:notification of award
而在《世貿組織政府采購協議(WTO GPA)》中,招投標主體及相關術語如下:
- 招標人:contracting party, contracting authority, employer
- 投標人:tenderer
- 招標文件:tender documentations, tender documents
- 投標邀請:invitation to tenders
- 招標公告:tender notice
- 招標資料表:tendering data sheet
- 投標人須知: instruction to tenderers
- 招標附錄:appendix to bid
- 投標保證金:tender security
- 履約保證金:performance security
- 投標書:tender
- 投標書的提交: submission of tender
- 開標:tender opening, opening of tender
- 評標:tender evaluation, evaluation of tender
- 授予合同:award of contract
- 中標:award of tender
上一條:標書合同翻譯 | 下一條:排球英文翻譯 volleyball |