


1.建筑節能 building energy-saving

2.建筑能耗 building energy use

3.建筑節能率 building energy-saving ratio

4.綠色建筑 green building

5.建筑熱工設計氣候分區 climate zoning for building thermal design

6.室內環境質量 indoor environment quality

7.圍護結構 building envelope

8.建筑保溫 envelope insulation

9.建筑隔熱 envelope solar isolation

10.建筑用能規劃 building energy planning

11.可再生能源建筑應用 renewable energy in buildings

12.建筑合同能源管理 building energy management contracting

13.建筑節能工程 building energy-saving measures

被動式建筑節能技術 passive technology for building energy efficiency

熱島效應 heat island effect

建筑熱工設計 building thermal design

建筑節能熱工計算 building thermal calculation for energy efficiency

外保溫系統 external thermal insulation system

內保溫系統 internal thermal insulation system

自保溫系統 self thermal insulation system

保溫結構一體化 integration of thermal insulation and building structure

保溫隔熱屋面 thermal insulation roof

體形系數 shape factor

窗墻面積比 window to wall ratio

遮陽 shadingsunshade

垂直綠化 vertical afforest

屋頂綠化 roof afforest

圍護結構熱工參數 thermal parameter of building envelope

遮陽系數 shading coefficient

熱橋 thermal bridge

建筑物耗能量指標 index of building energy consumption

度日數 degree day

天然采光 day lighting



